Saturday, December 24, 2011

How can i get windows internet explorer 7 out of my computer and download ie8?

It doesn't give me the option to add/remove it; it says used frequently!|||You don't remove IE7. You just upgrade to IE8.

I always go to for my free downloads. I have never had a problem with any attached spyware, trojans or viruses of any kind from their site. Most everything is free or free to try. They will always tell you in advance. Try it.|||If you download and install IE 8 it will upgrade your IE7 and replace it. You do not need to uninstall first.|||Just install IE8, it will update IE7|||if you go and download ie 8 then install it it will replace the older version|||You just download IE 8. It automatically upgrades from version 7. Here is the site to download it from:鈥?/a>|||Simply start installation of IE 8 and it will take care of IE 7 for you.

But, why not simply use IE for M$ UPDATES and Firefox for everything else? Get Firefox here:鈥?/a>

...and be sure to get the WOT Add-on for both IE and Firefox, and NoScript for FF. NoScript is supposedly "working" on a version for IE. Get WOT for IE here:

Get both those Add-ons for Firefox after installation by opening Tools%26gt;Add-ons%26gt;Get Add-ons%26gt;Browse All Add-ons and then do a search for each. Then you can shop all the rest of the FF Add-ons for even more very useful and even a lot of FUN Add-ons and 'build your own browser'! Have FUN!

Just an idea. I hope it helps. Good Luck!|||Hi, this is Feran with the Internet Explorer Outreach Team. As others said, downloading IE8 will automatically upgrade version 7. Also at this time if you download it from鈥?/a> Microsoft will donate the equivalent of 8 meals to the hunger-relief charity Feeding America.



How do i make my start menu and my IE8 menu appear and reappear?

a couple days ago i accidentally pressed something and my IE8 screen got big, because my IE8 menu and my start menu disappeared and every time i went to the top or the bottom of the screen they would reappear|||To maximize website viewing, the File menu may be hidden by default. Most menu options can be accessed from the toolbar. You can make the Menu Bar (File, Edit, View, Etc.) appear by clicking the Tools menu, located near the upper right of the screen, and then Toolbars and then Menu Bar.|||Right click on a blank area of the Start Menu Bar, Choose Properties, and ckick on the Auto-Hide option to change its behavior.

How, if I can, do I downgrade from IE9 to IE8?

To make it short... IE9 sucks. It is just awful. I completely regret upgrading. Is there any way to downgrade to IE8? If you know anything, please tell me.|||It is pathetic and you can uninstall it if you upgraded from IE 8鈥?/a>

Firefox is where it's at.

How can I reconfigure my IE8 menu/address bar?

I am using IE8 on Windows XP. How can I move the address bar next to the Help dropdown up top? I am trying to maximize my screen space by eliminating wasted space.|||you can't. I don't think that it's possible.

I've never been able to do that.

How to get the tabs bar up in IE8?

Up until last week I had a tabs bar in Internet Explorer 8 on my computer at work. Came in after the weekend and the tabs bar is gone, you can start new tabs but you have to access them through 'quick tabs' which is annoying.

Since my company is so freakishly strict with our comp settings they have disabled our access to 'internet options.

Any idea how to enable the tabs bar without going into internet options?|||Hi marcopolo,

If you cannot access the Settings, try these Hot Keys:

Ctrl + T = New Tab

Ctrl + K = Duplicate Tab

CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB = Switch between tabs

CTRL+9 = Switch to the last tab

CTRL+Q = Toggle Quick Tabs (thumbnail view) on or off

If you want to access your settings but do not have permission, you would have to ask your IT person to assist.



IE Outreach Team

Everything stops downloading from the internet at 99% since downloading ie8?

I have recently downloaded ie8. Since then, I have not been able to download anything (firefox, ie7, aim, etc) without it stopping at 99%. I have turned all firewalls and antivirus software off. I have changed my internet security options. I have waited it out. What can I do?|||Uninstall IE and never acknowledge its existence again.

Install Firefox. Problem solved.

Edit: Just open up a windows folder and type in a web address in the address bar. It will load the site in the old IE6 because IE6 is integrated with XP.

You could also just download firefox prior to uninstalling IE8.

How do I delete IE8-does not support online banking?

Yahoo sent me email to upgrade to IE8 but does not work with any online banking sites-I NEED TO GET INTO MINE ASAP. I will follow your directions how to delete (I am 74 and need your help please). Sorry I did this now. Thanks.|||I would recommend keeping IE8 and downloading Firefox to do you online banking.|||Have you tried compatibility view mode? Click that "broken paper" icon on the right side of your address bar.

The website will reload and render in the older IE7 view mode, which should work for all websites.

If I update from IE8 to IE9, will I still have my favorites?

See, I'm kinda afraid to update from Internet Explorer 8 to Internet Explorer 9. I want to know if IE9 will still have my favorites, bookmarks, and settings from IE8.|||Yes, it should.

I recommend switching from IE to Google Chrome, as Chrome is much faster and smoother all around.

For a full comparison:|||Yes. Both are MS so it will keep all the settings.

Which is the fastest start up browser ie8 firefox chrome safari opera lunascape6?

i find lunascape6 orion the fastest start up browser what about you?|||That's a bit of a loaded question isn't it?

It entirely depends on your RAM size, CPU speed and your internect connection speed.

It also depends on how much hanging on junk you have on the browser, like Tabs, Feeds, RSS etc.

I run IE 8 with absolutely everything disabled on it so it is just a bare minimum browser that's connected to a fibre optic 20 Mb/s connection which delivers, so yes I would say that is fast!|||Chrome for Windows is considerably faster than Firefox. Chromium for Linux is faster than Chrome. But that's just my opinion. =) I guess it has a lot to do with your computer, as well.|||Chrome is a compact program and loads and reacts very fast. But it also depends on how many add-ons, plugins and bookmarks, etc the program has to load when starting.|||Chrome is the FASTEST on all basis|||I've tried all but i find firefox is the fastest|||i've tryed all of them and i found that firefox is the fastest

What or Is the difference between IE8 & IE8 for yahoo?

I Have windows XP %26amp; I use Verizon DSL high speed yahoo?|||not much...

set yahoo as a home page.

the yahoo toolbar installed.

As I said, not much.|||IE8 or IE8???

i'd suggest using Firefox for web browser

Why is Yahoo showing in mobile mode suddenly on my laptop in IE8?

It is only a problem in IE, Firefox is fine. I hve cleared all internet files run a cleaner and shut down and restarted, but the problem still persists. I'm using Windows 7.|||did you press a button to make it do that? probably a glitch

How to copy the list of websites I have under various categories in my Favourites tag in the IE8 web browser?

I tried right click under various categories to "select" all and "save as" feature. It does not work. I need the list. Could you please suggest what to do?|||I think you're asking how to save your favorites/bookmarks? Go to "File" in your IE menu bar; go down to "Import and Export." A dialog box will come up asking which you want to do (Import for you). Box will come up asking you where you want to save the list, etc.

It's very simple...|||Easy as pie. IE saves the Favorites as a regular HTML file. Either open it in a web editor and copy/paste the contents where ever you need to. Or, open the file in Word and all the links will be active and you can re-save file as a document/PDF/whatever. Any of those will allow you to copy/paste/print the links.

Alternative, is to display the Favorites in your browser and take a screen capture using a screen cature tool that will auto-scroll the window while capturing.


How do I export toolbars from ie8 to Firefox?

It's been very hard... I need a little help. I just updated and its been quite a pain trying to export these toolbars. Help...|||Unfortunately you can't "export" toolbars from IE to Firefox. However, you can just re-download them for Firefox. All the toolbars such as Yahoo! toolbar or Google toolbar offer versions for Firefox.

Want to know how to go about deleteing IE8 an go back to IE7?

Tried re downloading 7, but couldn't says all ready have IE8 but don't want.|||Click the Start button, then click Control Panel. Double click Add/Remove. Wait for it to populate, click Show Updates, if you don't click this first you won't be able to return to the prior version. Scroll to IE8, click Remove. You must restart the comp.

Why can't I see the java screen to play a multiplayer Yahoo game after downloading IE8?

Java has been updated and is enabled.

I don't know what else to do.

Thank you for your help.|||Maybe IE8 is not compatible with the java version that you are using

Try to update it

How does one make Yahoo my default mail handler on the IE8 resident in my computer?

I have tried going to Tools ,then Internet Options, then Programs , where I expected Yahoo to be an option on the dropdown list. But no. Only three were available....Hotmail,MS Outlook and Outlook Express.

Does any kind soul please lead me ( a non technical expert )gently, to a solution? I have scoured the Yahoo website but I am unable to find any clue.

Thanks|||Easiest way? Use Yahoo! Mail on Firefox 3. When you do, making Yahoo! Mail your default mail application is this easy:

(download firefox from here--

1. Click Options.

2. In the pull-down menu that opens, select Set Y! Mail as default webmail.

3. Next time you click on a mailto link, you'll see a pop-up asking you which email client you'd like to use ( Yahoo! Mail), and if you'd like to make that selection permanent. Click Yes, and you're all done!

If you use Internet Explorer...

The tiny program that allows you to select Yahoo! Mail as the default email application for your PC is included as part of Yahoo! Toolbar version 7.2 and up for Internet Explorer (not Firefox).

If you don't have Yahoo! Toolbar v.7.2 or later for Internet Explorer installed, you’ll need to download it before proceeding with these instructions.

(Download Yahoo! toolbar for internet explorer from here:- )

Here’s how to set your PC to open Yahoo! Mail when you click an email link on a web page.

1. From the “Start” pop-up menu in the lower left corner of your desktop, select “Settings” %26gt; “Control Panel”.

2. In the Control Panel, select “Internet Options”. This opens the “Internet Properties” window.

3. Click the “Programs” tab along the top.

4. Click the “E-mail” pull-down menu, and select Yahoo! Mail.

5. Click OK. Done!|||Just click this link from Yahoo, for detailed instructions on making Yahoo the default mail client.

On that page is a link for downloading their "newest" toolbar---which is necessary.…

How to make my browser( IE8) delete history on exit?

When i have another ie window minimized, and i exit out from the onecurrently use, the history doesnt delete by itself.Any tips?|||Tools menu, Internet Options, "Advanced" tab (on the far right), Security section - put a check mark in the box next to "Empty Temporary Internet Files upon closing". Apply the change, then click Ok.

But - all browser windows must be closed.....I believe. Haven't tested that.|||Go to internet options, under the general tab, look for browsing history. Under it you should see a box to check if want delete history upon closing, Check it. Then each time you close your browser, history will be deleted.

I downloaded IE8 from Yahoo; now IE doesn't work at all on my computer online or off. How do I fix it?

IE8 worked the first time I downloaded it; but now it won't open at all.|||GET RID OF IE, explorer is a big gateway to viruses, i recommend using either firefox, or opera.|||Lesson #1-never be so quick to try something because of an advertisement.

Lesson#2-Did you read reviews from reliable sources like Consumer Reports, CNET, and LinkedIn?

If you backed up your system you can revert to IE7.

If you do a System Restore you will get back IE7.

Going forward stop being so quick in trying something that has not been proven.|||Go to microsft updates and uninstall it (it will go back to ie7). Go to and download it from there, it seems everyone who got it from yahoo is having problems.|||I had the same problem. Go to your uninstall on the computer and uninstall it.|||May I suggest you join the crowd and use Mozilla Firefox instead?

IE has been a headache to some of us.|||delete it and reinstall or switch to firefox or safari for windows

How do you give divs rounded corners in IE7 and IE8 without using images?

I dont want to use a solid image, a top and bottom image, or an image for each corner. I want to do it all in CSS. I already have mox and webkit for safari and firefox. Just need the markup for IE7 and 8. Thanks in advanced|||IE is miles behind with web standards and CSS.

Rounded corners are part of CSS3 which has not been finalized yet.

IE does not support CSS3 at all. In fact it barely supports CSS2 properly.|||%26lt;div style="border: 5px solid #000; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px;"%26gt;This is some text%26lt;/div%26gt;

This works in Firefox but of course not IE. Everything inside style="" is CSS.

Please tell me toolbars on IE8 can be combined and sized and how?

Please tell me Microsoft didn't make the SAME mistake with 8 that made with 7. I mean seriously people with all these unwanted toolbars and 1/4 used toolbars and wasting space we'll be left with 1/2 an inch of open screen by the time 10 rolls around. How can I roll back to IE 6?|||Right click the toolbar and you'll see a list of toolbars w/ checks next to them. Un-check those that you do not want to see, and then click "Customize" to customize the ones you do view as you see fit.

If you still want more room to view, press F11 to browse in Full Screen view. Press it again to toggle.

- Jake

MSFT Internet Explorer Outreach Team

How do I get rid of the MSN toolbar in IE8?

I already right-clicked the top of the screen and "removed" it from the IE page, but the MSN buttons remained. So I removed the program altogether by uninstalling it from the list of programs on my computer. However, the toolbar is still there.|||View %26gt; Toolbars.

Uncheck the MSN toolbar.

-Tony|||try restarting. could help.

try hiding it if you do not like it if it comes back.

How do I continue downloading a half downloaded file in IE8?

I was trying to download a large file using IE 8, but now it's stopped at 88% for hours and i was wondering if there is possibly any way to resume it from where it has stopped.|||You might want to take a look at this:鈥?/a>



IE Outreach Team

How do i get my home page icon back on IE8?

I have internet explorer 8 and i accidentally hid the bar that has your button that returns you to your home page. How do i get this back, without right clicking in the white space because this doesn't work for me, and i have vista. Anyone know anything that can help?|||Right click anywhere on the toolbar in Internet Explorer. A drop-down list will appear with a list of toolbars to check or un-check. Highlight "Customize" and then select "Add or Remove Commands..." and a window will pop up with an interface that allows you to add and remove icons from your toolbar. Highlight the icon for "Home" in the left column and then click "Add".

- Jake

MSFT Internet Explorer Outreach Team|||Right click on the toolbar, where there are other icons locatd.

Then choose customize from the list. Select the Home Icon from the left list then click on Add button, then click on close button, Your home icon will re appear

No desktop icons after installing IE8 in my PC not even start menu but for screen saver. How to redeem?

Go to add %26amp; remove programs uninstall %26amp; repair.

I f this does not do it uninstal %26amp; reinstall|||I found an iexplore.exe in C:\WINDOWS\ie7 and another one in C:\WINDOWS\ie8, when I double-click on the one in the ie8 folder I get an error every time, when I double-click the one in the ie7 folder ie8 opens, send a shortcut from the ie8 folder exe to the desktop and problem solved (XP SP2).

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How do you switch back to IE7 after installing IE8 Beta?

I've went to uninstall programs and uninstalled it, but then my ie won't open up any webpages even though I am connected to the internet.|||IE8 was presented to us as an update. To uninstall it correctly, go to the update uninstall files in the "Windows" folder. The path is: My Computer/"C"/Windows. You will find it in that list of blue files. Just click on the IE8 file and uninstall it from there. You may need to reinstall IE8 and then do the uninstall again. After using this method to uninstall, IE7 should show up again by default. |||iexplorer 8 replaced 7, so when u uninstalled 8, you ended up with nothing. so, even though you are connected to the inernet, you cannot surf the net, because you do not have a browser. There are 2 options:

1. this might not work, but give it a try first, go to windows update, and click on check for new updates and see if iexplorer comes up, if it does, install it, if it doesnt do step 2

2. Download iexplorer 7 from another computer, and using a portable storage device, transfer it to your computer, and install

How do I review my internet browsing history with IE8?

I'm trying to remember a site I visited but I can't remember the name. I'd like to look at my history but I can't find how to do it.|||Google it. its not hard at all. there should just be a tab called history.

Anyone know why my IE8 internet explorer takes forever to load? Sometimes a new tab will hang?

I use firefox and IE, but recently i've been having issues with ie. I clear the cookies, temp etc i also use ccleaner. Most of the time When i click on the IE icon the page will not load. I scanned and don't have a virus or spyware. When i uninstalled/reinstalled ie i lost games and the sound option. Could you help?|||Its most likely because IE is super slow and a really bad internet browser.

Get firefox, trust me, its faster and safer|||1) IE, when it loads and when it opens a new tab, spends a lot of time on the IP stack. (I have a program that pops up when certain stack accesses are made - IE pops it up for every new tab.)

About the only reasons to ever run IE are 1) a page you need that doesn't allow you on it without IE (like Microsoft or Wells Fargo) or 2) to test web pages you're developing, if you care about your computer-illiterate users. Otherwise, stay with FF. (And Javascript is 50-150 times as fast as J-Script, the IE 'Javascript' equivalent.)|||Sounds like your PC needs to be re-installed.

Its a good idea to completely reinstall WIndows and your Apps every year or so.

Uninstalling ie8 should not have removed anything else or killed your sound. This probably means your OS and system files are a bit messed up.

So - backupo all your data, wipe the disk, reinstall windows, put all your stuff back on.|||It's probably your computer. Delete some stuff from it. That's what I had to do/ If that doesn't work, if you can afford it, buy a different computer.

How can I get IE8 to take me directly to my homepage when I start the computer with Windows XP? Thank you?


First of all, right click Internet explorer. A menu should drop down, click Create Shortcut. Now open My Computer. Click on Local Disk usually C:\. Now click on Documents and Settings. Click on your User, and then Start menu. Click Startup. Drag 'n' Drop the Internet explorer shortcut previously created into the Startup folder. Now restart your computer. When you restart Internet explorer should pop up displaying your homepage.

Hope this helps! :)

Use this guide if your having trouble -鈥?/a>

How do I disable a Quick Time Plugin on IE8 or Google Chrome?

I want to use iTunes as my default music player and I've already selected it on my iTunes preferences but every time I try to play music online it still uses Quick Time.

Oh, and I changed the preferences on my Quick Time player but still no luck.|||Quicktime is part of iTunes installation, iTunes uses quicktime to run, by disabling it you are not going to be able to play the files correctly. If you are playing music online and it uses quicktime, it requires quicktime to play and nothing else. If it goes to a separate blank page and plays the file in a QuickTime program, you should be able to right click the link that took you there and download the file by clicking "Save Target or Save Link".|||jn

Is there any way to only delete the history in IE8 while only keeping URLs I typed?

For example, I go to youtube, type in something I want to see and the history (from the address bar) shows absolutely every page I viewed.

IE8 also shows recently viewed files from users/documents, pictures, etc, even if they are not on my pc anymore.. is there anyway to disable this?|||go to tools, options, content tab. auto complete settings. look at that window.|||Heheh... someones beem where they shouldnt of been.

Meh i dont understand why its doing that. Mine doesnt.

In the tools tab you can delete browsing history... but then everyone knows you were doing something.|||on 8 you can just right click and click delete on the history you want to delete

How do I get Yahoo to take the "Get IE8 now!" button OFF of My Yahoo toolbar?

I've tried to remove this annoying button

from my toolbar using the "Settings" button, but it doesn't work. My system won't

accept the free IE8 upgrade, so I can't

use it and just want to get the damn

button OFF of my toolbar.|||Re-install Y! toolbar at|||If this is the best answer then I guess I need to find

smarter people that don't go by the tell all moniker

of "I Know Nothing". I've tried re-installing the toolbar,

twice. Didn't work. Still have the annoying "Get IE8 now!"

button superglued to my Yahoo toolbar.

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Have downloaded IE8 yahoo version and now receive endless popups despite pop up blocker set to high.Any ideas?

How do I stop these annoying ads for bingo, credit cards, surveys etc?|||Download Firefox(It's another internet browser) as IE is unsafe and not very good!|||yes i agree download firefox

Has Microsoft worked out the kinks with IE8 yet?

I installed IE8 a couple of months ago, but it didn't seem to work right and had a hard time connecting. Has Microsoft fixed these problems yet? Also, I need to know if IE8 is compatible and will work with Google Chrome.|||There have been numerous patches and fixes available with the last few monthly downloads. And if you update your machine regularly, then you will have all of the latest enhancements. (There will probably be more in the next few days.)

But being a Microsoft product, there will always be something that requires a patch or fix to make it more stable and better protected.

And there should be no problem running IE-8 along side other browsers.

.|||The beta version had some issues.There is nothing wrong with the stable least from people that take time to figure out whats wrong before they blame IE for everything|||If they change it, wouldn't it be IE 9 (since it would be the 9th version)|||I've never had a problem with it. And of course it is compatible with Chrome. I have Firefox open for YA, IE8 and Chrome open to research Answers at the same time. No problem. And iTunes playing music.

How do I make the add for trend micro stop popping up in IE8?

It shows up every time I power up the computer, or whenever I've been on the computer for a few hours. I recently had to do a historical restore because of a virus issue, and I can't stop the add from showing up. It is really irritating. Thanks in advance!|||Using Pop-up Blocker

When you install SP2, Pop-up Blocker is turned on in Internet Explorer and set to the medium setting, which means it will block most automatic pop-ups. The default settings for

the pop-up blocker allow you to see pop-ups that are opened when you click a link or button on a Web site. Pop-up Blocker will also play a sound and show the Information Bar

when a pop-up is blocked. You can adjust these settings so that Pop-up Blocker works the way you want it to.

To change Pop-up Blocker settings

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. On the Tools menu, point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings.

Internet Explorer Tools menu

If you want to see pop-up windows from a specific Web site, type the address (or URL) of the site in the Address of Web site to allow box, and then click Add.

Pop-up Blocker Settings window

Tip To temporarily allow a site to display pop-ups, click the Information Bar when it notifies you that a pop-up has been blocked. Then click Temporarily Allow Pop-ups.

To block pop-ups even if they are launched when you click a link or button on a Web site

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. On the Tools menu, point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings.

3. Select the High setting in the box near the bottom of the dialog box.

Note If you want to see pop-ups that are blocked when you have this setting turned on, hold down the CTRL key while the window opens.

How to change my sandboxed browser from IE8 to googlle chrome?

I install google chrome as browser in my sandboxed or sandboxie but when I close, it will going back to Internet Eplorer 8. I wonder how can I permanently have a google chrome on my sandboxed.

I like sandboxed because it is safe to browse through it though. Thanks!!!!|||Um, what?

Quit using IE8 and you'll be fine.

How do I get the "Get IE8 now" off my toolbar?

Because of my work, I can't download IE8 (the website I work from is not ready for IE8 yet). Is there another way to get it off my toolbar?|||Uninstall the Yahoo! Toolbar and reinstall it. You can find the download here:


A very informative website, kindly stay in website and check

How do you delete Search History on IE8?

In Internet Explorer 8 at the top right hand corner there is something called a search provider. How do you delete the history from the search provider? Because every time I click the little red 'X' next to the history I want to delete, it still doesn't get deleted. Help?|||If you are using vista click safety at the top of your page. Then click delete browsing history. When the box opens click on the delete history and whatever else you want to delete. Make sure that you click on delete at the bottom of the box also.|||In IE8, click on Tools, select Internet Options, then click on the Contents tab. Once you are there click on the Settings next to "Auto-complete" and delete your history there. Also do an extra history wipe by clicking on "Safety" in IE8 and Delete Browsing History.

Make sure that you select "Form Data".

However, IE8 also takes advantage of Windows Search and Indexing functions. Many users will find that no matter what they do - whether in IE8, using CCleaner or other registry cleaners etc... searches and address bar history will still show up in IE8. The solution is as follows:

After you have done all of the above, go to Control Panel ==%26gt; Indexing Options

Click "Advanced" ==%26gt; click Rebuild.

This will reset your Index - so it will affect your search performance if you rely heavily on this function. Otherwise, it will rebuild your index with the current browsing history (which should be a clean slate)|||You can follow other users advice to delete your current browsing history, but for future reference, you might want to try a cool feature called InPrivate Browsing, that allows you to browse without recording any history at all, so you don't run into this problem again.

Here's a link to help explain it further:鈥?/a>


IE8 Outreach Team

How Do I Permanantly Turn Off Suggested Sites In IE8?

I have disabled Suggested Sites on my IE8 under tools/advanced, but it still keeps popping up in a tab on my browser. How can I stop it from doing this?|||Click on tools,then on drop down go down to suggested sites,click on,when info box appears click on no,I hope that helps.

How on earth do I enable add-ons for IE8?

I have searched this on Google, and did what it said by going to tools etc. However every time I open up IE8 it keeps saying that the add-ons are disabled, when every single one of them is enabled. I don't have a clue what to do so please can you help!|||I would recommend resetting Internet Explorer 8 by following the steps in the link below, it should fix your problem:



IE Outreach Team

When will there be a Yahoo optimised version of IE8 for Vista 64bit?

Anyone any idea when Yahoo are going to release an optimised version of IE8 for Vista 64bit?|||Never. Yahoo have no right to optimiste IE8. MSN do as its MICROSOFT network. Yahoo isn't part of Microsoft (yet) . So WONT

How do I exit the full screen in firefox and in ie8?

I am using a umpc (7 inch) netbook, and if I go to full screen in firefox, I don't see any toolbar%26gt; What would be the keyboard command to restore it down to the standard format? I use ie 8 %26amp; firefox.|||f11 or sometimes the "esc" key.|||Thanks, Loopy. Leemus

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|||press F11 function key for Firefox|||"F11" all the way my friend =)|||Press F11|||f11

How to uninstall IE8 in Vista or reinstall IE7?

Need help going back to IE7, does IE8 need to be uninstalled first or can 7 be reinstalled on top? Running Vista.

IE 8 is too slow, systems stalls and drags, and is not compatible with many functions, like yahoo mail and games.|||IE8 is NOT in add/remove programs on Vista. You need to go to your windows updates and find the IE8 in there. Then uninstall it and it will go back to IE7 without reinstalling anything.|||Add/Remove Programs will but IE7 back.

How do I get rid of that IE8 button?

I do not want IE8; I tried it and my computer crashed. I do not want the button for it. It's waste of space on my toolbar. How do I get rid of it?|||There is no need to get IE8 to remove the button. All you need to do is uninstall your Y! toolbar and get a later version at|||Try removing the application is windows ..uninstall using control panel/ remove programs ...or you can right click the task bar and go to properties/ notification area/ customize/ and select the program (in your case IE) and select hide from pull down.

How do I uninstall IE9 and reinstall IE8?

I'm NOT happy with my IE9 experiences! Among the differences in appearance and other 'minor irritants', ever since downloading IE9, I can't 'send' emails. Therefore, I desire to return to using IE8.|||I found two possible ways, step by step, but forgot to list the second source - my bad.

A: To uninstall Internet Explorer: (both Vista and Win 7)

**Note: A Tech Republic user (May 11) said there are problems just uninstalling, and you need to do a 'System Restore' back to before you installed Internet Explorer 9. **

1. Click the Start button Picture of the Start button, type Programs and Features in the search box, and then click View installed updates in the left pane.

2. Under Uninstall an update, scroll down to the Microsoft Windows section.

3. Right-click Windows Internet Explorer 9, click Uninstall, and then, when prompted, click Yes.

4. Click one of the following:

- Restart now (to finish the process of uninstalling Internet Explorer 9, and restore the previous version of Internet Explorer).

- Restart later (to wait until you shut down or restart your computer).

5. After you uninstall Internet Explorer 9, the previously installed version of Internet Explorer will be available on your computer. It is not necessary to reinstall.

B: You can remove Internet Explorer 9 using the following steps.

1. Close all programs. (If you have any open)

2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

3. Click Uninstall a Program under the Programs category

4. In the Tasks pane (the blue column on the left), click View installed updates.

5. In the list of installed updates, double-click Windows Internet Explorer 9.

6. In the Uninstall an update dialog box, click Yes.

[ Note: If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Continue. ]

7. Follow the instructions to uninstall Internet Explorer 9.

8. When the uninstall program is finished, restart your computer.

9. After you restart your computer, open Internet Explorer.

10. Click About Internet Explorer on the Help menu. If Internet Explorer 7 or 8 appears in the About Internet Explorer dialog box, then you have successfully completed the uninstall.

Im still using IE6.Am i really missing out on anything by not upgrading my browser to IE7 or IE8?

Before you tell me to get Firefox,i already have it and use it as my primary browser.I still use IE6 as an extra browser but was wondering if im really missing out on something by not updating it to IE7 or IE8?|||Sure, there are new features. Why you don't upgrade your IE to its latest version to take advantage of its new features?

You can discover all these new features yourself by installing and using the latest IE.

Please upgrade your software if you were able to do so.|||You are not missing anything, just stick with the Firefox. My IE 8 locks up all the time. The Firefox, never.|||Yes, you are missing out on something. A little while back security experts advised all users of Internet Explorer to stop using it because of a big security hole. This has happened a couple of times. The last time an unscheduled patch was released to fix the problem.鈥?/a>

Stick with FireFox.|||try Netscape Navigator .. faster than Explorer and Firefox .. and it will save all your bookmarks too ..

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Easy way to import Firefox bookmarks to IE8 favorites?

Is there an easy way to import them into IE8? I don't know if Firefox does this, and I can't find a way. Anyone can help?|||Not that I can think of. Just do a Live Search...

How do I stop IE8 from making me sign in after I X out?

Everytime I close my browser I have to log back into my email (which is yahoo home page). It also messes up the looks of my Yahoo home page because it doesn't know im signed in. What settings do i need to change?|||It's not your browser that's making you sign in, but Yahoo. You can cut down on your sign ins by filling in the box next to "Keep me sign in for two weeks" which you'll find on your Yahoo Log In page.

Be sure to fill in the box before you submit your log in for the day and this will help you out if you don't turn your computer completely off. As long as you Stand By or Hibernate, you'll cut down considerably on your sign ins.|||Glad to help, keep voting!

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How do you add ie8 with a pre-installed version of ie7 using Vista? It came with my Compaq?

When I tried a few times, it asked me to uninstall ie7 and I can't. It's not in my Uninstalled Programs? Does anyone know the answer to this question?|||You don't need to uninstall IE7. IE8 installs over top of it. Not to mention, you don't want to uninstall IE7 because your windows updates go through that and it is embedded into your operating system. Make sure you get IE8 from and nowhere else.

If you don't like IE8, you can uninstall it through your windows updates with Vista.|||IE 8 is still buggy... Leave it for now. Is it worth this much trouble to get it? Give Firefox a try. You can easily migrate you IE settings over when you install it.

How to I get IE8 to automatically remember passwords and usernames?

It is ok if my computer remembers Passwords and User-names as I am the only person who uses this computer and I always lock it before I leave it. Can someone tell me how to get Internet Explorer 8 to remember these like the previous versions of IE did|||Here is what to do, go to" internet options" by using tools in your menu bar or command bar, then go to "content" tab and then in the" Auto Complete" click on "settings", now just put the tick for "Username amd Passwords in forms. That should do the trick.|||If you mean accessing certain websites then IE8 stores those details as cookies, so as long as you do not delete the cookies then it will remember your login and password details.|||use ff and x marks works v well

Where is IE8 backed up and how to remove it?

I installed IE9. I know I can uninstall it and go back to IE8. So Windows must have backed up IE8 somewhere. What if I don't want to uninstall IE9 and go back to IE8? Can I remove the backup of IE8 and save some disk space?|||ie8 has just had a few files added to it

to turn it in to ie9.

you can not remove ie8.


How come I have a IE8 button on my toolbar that I cannot get rid of?

I have a new computer with Windows Vista but if I click on the button it says my system is not capable of supporting new IE8 Whats up with this?|||You must be using a Microsoft Computer

.|||typical microsoft bull.

When I run IE8 on my laptop, the text input boxes and buttons are shrunk down in size. How can I correct this?

This only happens on certain websites.|||Click on tools%26gt; internet options%26gt; on the general tab at the bottom it will let you configure the appearance

How do you open the download manager in IE8?

IE help states to select "view downloads" under the "tools" menu. It shows an icon for the tools menu that looks like a gear. I do not see the icon and the normal tools menu does not have that entry.|||Well, wait a second. Internet Explorer doesn't have a built- in download manager as such. That would involve free shareware to be installed. Google produces a list of a bunch of them for you to choose from.

And what toolbar, if any, are you using? That green gear icon sounds like the Yahoo! Toolbar settings button, which allows you to edit your desired applications and other preferences on the toolbar.

But it says nothing about a download manager, because there isn't one.

How can I get my IE8 back, instead of IE9 beta which I have now?

I was on my "myspace" and it said that I should download IE9 beta for safer and better viewing of 'myspace'. Now my Yahoo 410 is gone. How do I get this back? Should I use IE9 beta or IE8?|||Since IE9 Beta is still in testing phase, you might want to revert to IE8 if you are having a lot of problems. To do this, just follow the steps in the link below:鈥?/a>



IE Outreach Taem|||Search for IE8 download... OR, try firefox. you will like it much better. "safer" in IE terms is still very unsafe.

Why when I google something on Firefox or IE8 the links always redirect me to different websites?

How can I fix this? I already ran an antivirus and it still doesn't work, and now I am running Malwarebytes to see if any malware is on there.|||You web browser is being hijacked or redirected. Download Malwarebytes and run a full system scan. Verify you also have the latest updates from Microsoft to help eliminate browser redirects.

For more information check out|||well you can

1 try and redo computer

2 try and use google chrome

download google chrome @

3 try reinstalling the web browser

the reason why i use google chrome is it warns you that you are about to enter a site that contains malware

or you can copy the url of what the website that you search and paste it in your web browsers url box|||1. Check your proxy in IE and Firefox.

2. Check your hosts file

3. Check your adons.

Here how to do that with images :鈥?/a>

How to turn off InPrivate browsing on IE8?

How to turn off InPrivate browsing on IE8?

Does anyone know how to completely turn off the InPrivate browsing feature in IE8? I try google it but it won't give me any results that provide full instructions. Plus when I go to it, It'll say

"InPrivate is turned on"|||Here's everything you need to know about in-private browsing:鈥?/a>|||Sorry, but I couldn't type all of that out. Sorry if you had to actually read something.

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How do you tell the difference between IE8 for 32 bit and 64 bit?

Adobe flashplayer is not configured for 64 bit applications. I need to be able to tell which of the two IE8s I have is the 64 bit version so I can use the other one.|||I believe windows 64 bit comes with both options available and the 64 bit edition will clearly be labeled Internet Explorer (64-bit).|||Hi daddidave,

Yep Daniel G is correct. If you go to Start Menu %26gt; All Programs %26gt; you will see two Internet Explorer's listed. The one that is 64-bit is clearly marked.

Hope this helps!



IE Outreach Team

How do i have IE 7 and IE8 running at the same time?

I am a web developer and I need to have both running for testing purposes.|||As the above posted stated, you can't. Most IE versions are just updates of their counter-parts.

For instance, if you were to uninstall IE8, it would uninstall all the additions that IE8 added and roll-back to IE7. The biggest difference you will find for the IE line of browser is IE6 to IE7 where "Tabbed Browsing" was added.|||You can't, IE8 is update for IE7,

so it's like have 2 IE7, (one with update)

You can unistall and install it again (but it's not a good thing to do.)

And i think; there is no different btween IE7 %26amp; IE8.

How do I delete the smart address bar in IE8?

How do I delete the smart address bar in IE8?|||Use Firefox

I upgraded to IE8 and now there isn't an option to Edit with Microsoft Front page. How do I change this?

When I usually work with Front Page, I open a web page, go to the Page option on the toolbar and click on Edit with Front Page. Since upgrading to IE8, I only have the option to Edit with Microsoft Office Word. How do I change it to Front Page?|||In Internet Explorer 8, go to Tools %26gt; Internet Options, then click on the "Programs" tab, then select FrontPage under the HTML Editor drop-down menu.

- Jake

MSFT Internet Explorer Outreach Team|||Mine wants to go to Microsoft Word.

Try and install Front Page again. It seems this is not a wide problem or people that post messages just don't use Front Page.

I am suddenly receiving "Get IE8 now!" tab on my settings on my toolbar. How can this be removed?

I am going through the process on setting toolbar. The setting all my tab settings except for this Get IE8 now! I do not wish to have this because I am still going through windows 98. How can I have "Get IE8 now option tab removed? Thanks|||Uninstall the Yahoo! Toolbar and reinstall it. You can find the download here:


Internet explorer 9 i hate it and want ie8 back where can i get it?

I am having no end of problems with internet explorer 9. losing tool bar, preventing downloads etc etc etc. Without having to use a restore point to get ie 8 back is there anywhere i can download ie8

for windows 7 as microsoft only have it for xp. I would also like it to run on 32bit as well as 64?|||You can get internet explorer 8 from microsoft official sit .

But if you have updated Internet explorer 9 from internet explorer 8 , you can remove updates , to get back internet explorer 8 .

step 1 . go to control panel

step 2 . go to program and features

step 3 . Select windows updates option

step 4 . You will see windows installed updates .

step 5 . select internet explorer 9 installed updates .

step 6 . at top of updates window , you will see uninstall button . Click on uninstall button .

step 7 . Restart your PC , to complete uninstallation .

You will get back your INTERNET EXPLORER 8 bac,

Internet explorer 9 have some technical problems .|||鈥?/a>


but seriously try chrome or firefox, you will be pleased

Why are my yahoo emails going out blank thru IE7 and IE8 but not foxfire?

I have foxfire and IE7 and recently switched to IE8 thinking my program was corrupt. I can send emails out from yahoo thru foxfire with no problem, but most of the time they go out blank thru IE8, but not all the time. Please help!|||Try consulting this guide to troubleshooting web mail in Internet Explorer 8 -

I hope you find a solution in there.

- Jake

MSFT Internet Explorer Outreach Team

Can you download Internet Explorer 7 while keeping IE8 intact?

I am trying to log into a security dvr over the web but the unit requires IE7. If i uninstall IE8 I get prompted about security updates that used IE8 to download and if i uninstall they may not function properly. So can I download IE7 and keep IE8 intact?|||With the official versions, you can't. You could try to find a portable version of Internet Explorer 7, but it will be made by a third-party, thus untrustable. I've attached a link below to one of those third-party developed solutions. I cannot tell you it is trustworthy as I didn't install it.

How do I change Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) search provider?

IE8 has bing as the search provider out of the box, but I want to change it and can't find a way to do it.|||Do not go in tools and then follow Microsoft in your search. Type this is Google and then go manually. You will get all through the options. site is ""|||Why are you still using IE? Do yourself a favor and download Firefox. Internet Explorer is like riding a bicycle through mud while eating a ham sandwich whereas Firefox is like flying a spaceship and eating a 10 course meal. Trust me, you won't regret it.|||after your search box you will see a magnifying glass and then a down arrow, the down arrow opens a drop down list of options, one is to add a new search provider, another is to manage your search providers. Add one, then organize so it is the default option.

I have a new PB computer but when I try & download IE8 it tells me that the computer does not support this?Why?

Why would Packard Bell 2424 (11 months old) not support IE8.

The operating system is Vista homepack?|||Hi, I'm not sure what the problem is.

But, I know lots of people say this, but it really is true, you need to get firefox or google chrome. Internet Explorer isn't very well made and doesn't support a lot of features that new website designs use and can cause problems when viewing some websites, it's also a little slower and less secure, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome is the way to go.|||Friends don't let friends use IE

Download firefox!鈥?/a>

How can I contact Yahoo directly to ask: Why do I keep getting notice to upgrade to IE8 when I already have?

I keep getting a notice to upgrade Yahoo with IE8, when I have already done so.

How do I contact Yahoo; [I did get one answer, but I have not been able to find an e-mail address or phone number.]

Thanks.|||Contacting Yahoo won't make a difference. It is simply an ad they run promoting their own product. It will show up when they want it to, and they will not stop it just for you, sorry.

You can try clearing your cache files and restarting your system. This will clear out any old files that may be 'tricking' Yahoo into thinking you still have the older IE, but it is no guarantee that it will stop the ad. I still get it once in a while, have had IE8 for months - and clear my cache on a regular basis. I've learned to simply ignore it.

What is with the metaphores on ie8 and Windows Vista?

i downloaded ie8 for my XP computer and i see no wrong in it. i even believe its better than ie7. and what is the problem with Vista. i own a Vista computer and its fine. until i get some good reasons why people say its bad. i will believe that it all it is just metaphors that someone randomly made up and half-witted people believed without testing or trying it.

this pisses me off so much

expect to see a youtube vlog on this soon|||here's download link i've searched for you

When I start my laptop and open IE8 a window pops up stating the program was interrupted. Whats up?

I am then prompted to select- open previous session or- just go to homepage. This is only on the initial power up.|||Try starting IE8 with add-ons disabled. If that does not work, then you might want to go back to IE7 until IE8 is more stable.

See and follow:鈥?/a>

"How do I uninstall or remove Internet Explorer 8?"|||G,

Thank you for your response. However, running as administrator did not correct the problem. I did find that resetting the Internet settings under Internet options advance tab worked. Your answer did point me in the right direction.


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If I download and upgrade to IE8, why does it still ask me if I want to upgrade to IE8?

at the top of my homepage it has the option to "Upgrade to Safer IE8" and I have done this at least 5 times already.|||It is simply an advertisement banner on a web page, it is not a notification from your computer. Everyone who visits that web page will see that banner.|||That is part of the webpage. It doesn't differentiate which version if IE you are using. The same thing happens to me, too.

How can I uninstall my Microsoft IE8 provided by yahoo?

I installed microsoft ie8 from yahoo and i want it from microsoft. I looked at previously asked questions and i asked a question about this too, but its not working. I go to control panel%26gt;add or remove programs%26gt; but i cant find microsoft ie8 on the list. Please help?

and what would it be under in the control panel?

thanks so much|||If you have difficulties in removing a program,

u can try regtool.

this is a registry program with uninstaller system.

It helps you forcible remove program and related registry key.

After upgrading to IE8.0,I lost my back,forward,stop and refresh buttons. How do I get them back?

I reinstalled IE8.0 with no benefit to the problem|||Many of us are using an alternative such as Firefox , Opera or Google Chrome until IE8 gets sorted.|||You can try this----it worked with IE7, but I don't know if it works with IE8.

Right click a blank space up at the very top of the screen--(where that bar used to be ) and click on "standard buttons" in the drop menu.

Do conditional comments still work in IE8?

I'm putting together a site and have to support IE8. Because of it's dinosaur rendering I have to make some IE specific adjustments. Will conditional comments still work in IE8 like they did in IE6?|||Yes:

%26lt;!--[if IE 8]%26gt;

%26lt;p%26gt;Welcome to Internet Explorer 8.%26lt;/p%26gt;



When I installed the Yahoo version of IE8, it would not run due to memory conflicts.?

Yahoo's version of IE8 after installation would not run. I get error messages that it cannot write to several memory locations. I had to use my backup program to revert back to IE7. Is there a fix for the problem?|||I've encountered the same problem as you. I tried to upgrade to IE8 from IE7 but an error message appeared saying that there is not enough memory. So, I uninstalled the problematic IE8 using Windows Components and reinstalled it again. This time it worked. There might be memory conflict between IE7 memory usage with that of the impeding IE8. My suggestion is to not upgrade rather uninstall IE7 and install IE8 as a fresh component.

Or, some might say, just download Mozilla Firefox.|||it's acually microsoft that (possibly) yahoo is redistibuting. if you're having a problem go to the microsoft site and download it there. there seems to have been some issue w/ some computers trying ie8 and there is a partch/workaround, however, i have not seen the problem and i've been using it since beta 1 and now on win7 w/ it's own version of ie8. iw ill try to find a link to the work around and post it here if i find it. ie8 has some really neat features so when you get the firefox fanboys tellign you to change, remember, you may be having problems either because of yahoo or because of your machine. brb.

see this article:鈥?/a>

good luck.

InternetExplorer8 How do I configure IE8 to open clicked hyperlinks in a new tab instead of a whole new window?

Sometimes there is nothing that you can do about the coding of the web page that opens tabs, windows etc when you don't want that to happen.|||From the tool bar, click: Tools/Internet Options/General tab. Scroll down to Tabs and click Settings. Under "Open links from other programs in: Make sure that A new tab in the current window is selected.

Is the upgrade yahoo has suggested for IE8 free or do we pay for to ,if so how much?

Is the upgrade for IE8 that yahoo is suggesting we do, free or is a fee connected? If so how much?|||Hi Sally,

Upgrading to IE8 is 100% free! You can get it here -鈥?/a>



IE Outreach Team

I downloaded IE8 and now my Face-book account tells me ai am using IE6 and to upgrade to IE7. Why is this?

After downloading IE8 it seems I am running slower and my Facebook acct is saying I am using IE6? What can I do? How do I change back to IE7 if need be?|||Don't bother switching back to IE7. Switch to Firefox. It's free and better than any IE.|||Use Firefox. It's 2009, son.|||I'm not sure why that happens but to convert back to IE7 go to (XP):Control Panel%26gt;Add Remove Programs and remove Windows IE8. If IE7 is what you were using before then IE7 will be the one it converts back to. In Vista the Add/Remove folder is call Programs and Features. That should do it.|||Use firefox it will do better for you or use chrome by google.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Also if you like internet explorer alot try reinstalling it.鈥?/a>

How do I get IE8 to remember a password after I have already denied having it remember initially?

I logged into a web site the first time and IE asked if I wanted it to remember the password, at the time I thought No, but now, I'd really like it to auto fill and remember. Any ideas on how to do this? I can't find the button!! (and no, I ain't sending you any of my passwords to try out! : P )|||Internet Explorer lets you choose never to offer to remember any passwords (on the dialog box where you choose between 鈥榊es鈥?and 鈥楴o鈥? there鈥檚 a checkbox for this). If you select the box and click 鈥楴o鈥? IE won鈥檛 offer to store passwords anymore.

You can reset this selection by resetting IE to default settings (Your favorites will still be retained unless you choose otherwise). To do so:

1. Open IE (make sure there鈥檚 just this one IE window open).

2. Click 鈥楾ools鈥?at the top right corner and click 鈥業nternet Options鈥?from the drop-down menu.

3. Go to the 鈥楢dvanced鈥?tab.

4. Click 鈥楻eset鈥?and follow the prompts.

The next time you go to the website, you鈥檒l get the prompt to save the password for future use.

Here鈥檚 to Good Karma - iYogi Active Response Team

Why do I get a message about add-ons being disabled in IE8?

I have recently upgraded to IE8 and I constantly get a message at the top of the browser saying the IE is currently running with add-ons disabled. When I go to 'manage add-ons' none appear to be disabled. Why do I get this message and how do I stop it from appearing?|||Go..... LEFT click Start; RIGHT click Internet Explorer, Select Browse without add-ons......Bobs your uncle

What is the best internet web browser? I have IE8 but should I change?

What is the best internet web browser? I have IE8 but should I change?|||Browers, like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder.

I personally use Firefox for the majority of my browsing, as its fast and immune to certain attacks that focus on IE. That said, certain websites that use ActiveX work only in IE, so you are stuck at times.

Outside the additional vunerability of ActiveX exploits, is the ease at which junk gets installed in IE. You can get several toolbars installed with nearly no notice, each of which slow down your browsing and complicate your experience. At a minimum, un-check /un-install them to keep your browser useful.

Note: I am not saying Firefox is totally safe, just a bit safer than IE. If you use Google a lot, and browse random sites, you are at risk using any browser.|||Firefox is the best there is hands down

IE is slow and not secure(prone to catch viruses)

Never download with IE!

I use both IE and Firefox(IE rarely) but I only download with Firefox. I have no Anti Virus programs so I need to stay safe鈥?/a>|||i like internet explorer simple and easy to use|||I recommend you to use Firefox because it has no compatibility problems when surfing websites and processing transactions over the Internet.|||There is no "best" browser overall. It depends on what you like and dislike about a browser. You can install more than one browser and use them to see which one you think is the "best" for you.|||i have used both firefox and ie8 and even chrome. i don't see very much difference in firefox and ie8. but on my laptop, google chrome has the fastest start-up and the fastest browsing time although it is a little bit slow when there is too much pics and vid and pop-ups.|||NOOOOOOOOOO. I've tried all browser, from chrome, safari, firefox, opera, to IE7. I was using firefox most of the time. I just change yesterday and it's amazing, really quick, im back to IE now.... for me IE8 loads faster than anything

Do I need to uninstall IE8 now that I have Mozilla Firefox?

I have been advised by several people to change my IE to Mozilla which I am happy with but I don't know whether or not to uninstall IE8. I am very new to the internet.|||Keep Firefox and IE. You need Internet Explorer to update your computer. You don't ever have to use IE (like I do) but you still need to keep it. Congratulations on converting to Mozilla Firefox, the Best Browser Available.|||There is not a security problem if you keep IE8 installed with another browser, the only problem is if you open each one it will continually ask if your want to set that browser as the default.

Here are the instructions to un-install IE8 though from

"To uninstall Internet Explorer 8, follow the instructions for your version of Windows. To follow these steps, you must be logged on to Windows as an administrator.

Note If you are not sure which version of Windows that you are running, or if you need help verifying that you are an administrator, click here to determine your environment ( .

Important You cannot uninstall Internet Explorer 8 if it is set as not removable. This occurs if you install Internet Explorer 8 before you install Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Windows XP. If this scenario applies to you, then you must uninstall SP3 before you can uninstall Internet Explorer 8. For more information about this issue, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

950719 ( ) You cannot uninstall Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8 after you install Windows XP Service Pack 3

Steps for Windows 7

To uninstall Internet Explorer 8, follow these steps:

1. Close all programs.

2. Click Start

Collapse this imageExpand this image

Start button

, and then click Control Panel.

3. Under Programs, click Uninstall a program.

4. In the tasks pane, click Turn Windows features on or off.

5. In the list of windows features, clear the check box next to Internet Explorer 8.

6. You receive a warning message in a pop-up window. Click Yes.

Internet Explorer 8 will now be uninstalled. The system will restart after the installation.

Steps for Windows Vista or for Windows Server 2008

To uninstall Internet Explorer 8, follow these steps:

1. Close all programs.

2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

3. Click Uninstall a Program under the Programs category

4. In the Tasks pane, click View installed updates.

5. In the list of installed updates, double-click Windows Internet Explorer 8.

Note If Windows Internet Explorer 8 does not appear in the list of installed updates, try the alternative steps for Windows Vista or for Windows Server 2008.

6. In the Uninstall an update dialog box, click Yes.

Note If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password, or click Continue.

7. Follow the instructions to uninstall Internet Explorer 8.

8. When the uninstall program is finished, restart your computer.

After you have finished, go to the "Did the "Let me fix it myself" steps fix the problem?" section to verify that your earlier version of Internet Explorer is restored.

Steps for Windows XP or for Windows Server 2003

To uninstall Internet Explorer 8, follow these steps:

1. Close all programs.

2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

3. Click Add or Remove Programs.

4. In the list of currently installed programs, click Windows Internet Explorer 8, and then click Remove.

Note If Windows Internet Explorer 8 does not appear in the list of installed updates, try the alternative steps for Windows XP or for Windows Server 2003.

5. Follow the instructions to uninstall Internet Explorer 8.

6. When the uninstall program is finished, restart your computer.

Now go to the "Did the "Let me fix it myself" steps fix the problem?" section to verify that your earlier version of Internet Explorer is restored. "|||I wouldn't advise it there are still many web sites that simply aren't Mozilla compatible. I prefer to use Firefox but still have to resort to using IE for important sites that I do business on because their applications will not work otherwise.|||No need to uninstall IE8.Firefox and IE get along just fine on the same computer.|||You don't have to. It's just another browser like Firefox. But I would recommend it highly that you uninstall IE.|||I find that Google Chrome interacts better with IE although IE8 did not run well on my outdated system.

Why do Yahoo use IE8 when they know it has not yet been perfected?

I have downloaded Mozilla and I cannot believe the difference no error message like IE8 scripting errors to drive you mad.|||Money,one word.

How can I remove IE8 from my computer?

From the 'Add/Remove Programs' list ( XP ) there is IE8 but no 'Remove' box. Thanks for any help.|||IE is part of the OS %26amp; cannot be removed.|||Microsoft was gracious enough to weave the Operating System and its browser so closely together that you can't get rid of it other than by installing IE9. You can of course run other browsers and just not call up IE8.

One of the bookmarks on my favorites bar in IE8 disappeared?

ok, so strange thing. I just realized that today, my ebay bookmark on my favorites bar at the top of my IE8 is gone. i never deleted it. and strangely, in addition to that disappearance, a few spaces down from it is just the flickr logo. i do have flickr on my bar, and its still there, i added it a month or so ago, but i never put this logo there. also, i saw the logo last night, but i deleted it, and now its back. what the hell is going on!|||Thats wierd.. You know Firefox is the best web browser, more secure, faster, less pop ups.. You'll never get those problems..check this out http://internet-browser-review.toptenrev鈥?/a> and鈥?/a>

to prove FireFox

After installing IE8, I lost the drop down menu for Yahoo Services which allowed me to go between mail accts?

After installing IE8, I lost the drop down menu for Yahoo Services which allowed me to go between mail accounts by pointing and clicking. How do I get this back?|||check on your Favorites, perhaps it should be there. there are two buttons also to select for the current adons and the site recommendation buttons (don't know well how it is called in English).

*i had tried IE8 but been battling hassles and it doesn't satisfy my needs as i used to have before so i return back to IE7.|||There have been many problems reported with IE8. So many I have refused to use it yet. My suggestions are this:

Uninstall IE8, and reinstall IE7. Then wait for a while, for Microsoft to work on the problem.

If you would rather not do this, then google the problem and see if you can find a fix there.

Sorry I could not be of more help, good luck

I have a lot of connection problems with Internet Explorer 7. Will downloading IE8 improve this?

I sometmes fail to connect to a site and get the message, "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page." Other times I have to wait 4 or 5 minutes between changing from one page to another within the same web site.

Will either of these problems be resolved by downloading IE8?|||I have IE8 which I wasn't too happy with getting. But im ok with it now its alright. And to be honest I think I had to install it because it IE7 didn't work with new Vista updates.

I still get that problem where page just doesn't load though, and you get that normal error message. Sometimes you can get past it just by hitting enter again on the address bar.|||Doubtful...I would reset IE7 to Defaults in Options, Advanced, use ccleaner and restart PC...Use OpenDNS or DNS Advantage if it still does it...

What do the Computer Gurus think of IE8?

Hey Guys. I am wondering what you all think of IE8. I am not sure if I love or hate it. It is definitely buggy, but that is to be expected. What do you all think of it.|||Previous versions of Internet Explorer had monstrous problems with viruses, malware and spyware. One of the reasons was because of the "ActiveX" installed into the browser. There was a lot that ActiveX did that would jeopardize the integrity of your system. Personally the only reason why IE is useful is to get firefox installed. Google chrome is good too and I have definitely used it before but until they add a few more features I will still continue to firefox purely for the security addons.

If you do decide to go with Firefox I would recommend getting the following addons:




If you're really into security you can also get:



The added benefit of using firefox is that if you are still in love with IE you can get the addon: IE tab which will allow you to run IE in your firefox browser.|||never used it never will, in fact everything about windows is buggy thats why I move away from windoz BSoD trash onto Linux it's free. it's secure, it's stable, It's fast, it's up to date. 2009

what more can you ask for |||"Computer gurus" don't use crap like IE.|||jokes?? it is terrible. There are so many better browsers available. Try firefox 3, or chrome.|||its meh

How do I open two email accounts at the same time with IE8?

I have two yahoo email accounts. Before updating to IE8 I could sign into both accounts at the same time with two IE7 browser`s open...Now I can`t , anyone know what I am talking about and if you do how to correct it?

Thanks|||u cnt

How do you download internet explorer 7 when you already have IE8?

i have internet explorer 8 installed but i now want IE 7 because on bebo with IE8 you can not change top friends , lol , i have tried to download IE7 but it keeps on coming up with another internet explorer is detected..

any ideas? , if you maybe have a link to download it too that would be greatly appreciated|||Well, you may need to uninstall your IE 8 first, then install your IE 7 again.

How to uninstall IE 8鈥?/a>

Download IE 7 with Google here:|||If your pc came with IE8 already installed, you can't uninstall it because it is embedded in your operating system. You uninstall IE8, and there goes your operating system. Install Firefox and use that instead, it's faster, more secure, and Bebo should work just fine with it.鈥?/a>

EDIT: If you upgraded to IE8, you can uninstall it from add/remove programs (XP), or Windows updates (Vista). It will automatically go back to IE7 with no re-installation.|||I thin you must first learn to uninstall the Ie8 but I think that will going to be a hard to do because there a lot of IE8 user that can't remove it form their system.|||I doubt you can now?

How do i prevent certain ads (not pop-ups) while using IE8?

Is there a way to prevent all ads on ie8?

I've tried using InPrivate Filtering but i can still see the ads.|||You can block 95% of ALL ads with MVPS Hosts file. Helps in the fight against virus and malware too. Does nopt matter what browser that you use.

"You can use a HOSTS file to block ads, banners, 3rd party Cookies, 3rd party page counters, web bugs, and even most hijackers. This is accomplished by blocking the connection(s) that supplies these little gems."鈥?/a>


Once you have them blocked, you can make your blocked adverts look "purdy" with Homer (optional).

"Now that you're blocking ads and sites with your hosts file, Speed up your browsing experience by serving an image of your choice to fill in where those ads would have normally been."鈥?/a>

Both are free.

Friday, December 16, 2011

How can I go back to IE8 from IE9 running windows 7?

I'm not finding a link to dowload IE8 again. I loaded IE9 earlier tonight and all I've done is hit refresh a hundred times since then !|||I know this sounds really ad-esque, but...

Get Firefox.

Internet Explorer is literally the best way to have slow internet. It's as unstable as a teenage emo on her period, no joke.

It is so hard to mess up Firefox it's not even cool. Save your time and switch, you'll love it.|||You can't install IE8 from a standalone installer as it is built-in to Windows 7. IE9 is treated by Windows 7 as an update, not an application.

What you have to do is uninstall IE9 from the Windows Updates. Go to Control Panel %26gt; Programs %26gt; Programs and Features %26gt; Installed Updates. Scroll down until you find Windows Internet Explorer 9. Select it and click on Uninstall.

After the uninstall, you will be automatically be returned to IE8. There's nothing else that you need to do.

By the way, are you sure you want to go back to IE8? IE9 is a lot faster and more secure than previous versions of IE. I personally liked IE9 due to it's minimalist design and speed. It's not my default browser though. I use Firefox 4.0.1 because of its huge selection of add-ons. :)|||I really have to agree with at least one other answer, like a silly girl on her periods. I spend half the day refreshing or rebooting. I really believe Microsoft does not want to fix it. Maybe they've got a few shares in Firefox. Eric.|||Click Start, Control Panel, Programs and Features.

On the left-hand side of your screen it says "View installed Updates". Click on that and scroll down to where it says "Internet Explorer 9". Uninstall it and it will automatically roll itself back to Internet Explorer 8.|||try installing chrome!

How do i change my internet from IE8 back to IE7?

I need to get rid of IE8 and go back to IE7 because it is messing with my computers security. IE8 is not in my "add or remove programs" the only way that you would ever know that i have IE is by my desktop icon. Is there another way that i can change it? Please help!!!|||if you have xp uninstall internet explorer 8 from the list of programs in programs and features

if you have vista go to control panel,click uninstall programs and then on the left panel click on View installed will find internet explorer 8 on the list and you can uninstall it from there.

i agree that ie8 is pretty messed up!!|||Here is a complete collection that allows you to install and run IE version 1 to the latest IE8 final.


But since you only need the 7,

untick all the other ones when asked to.

How to yake out the words"Windows Internet Explorer provided by Yahoo"On ie8?

After uninstalled Ie8 -Provided by Yahoo, The Words- "Windows Internet Explorer provided by Yahoo"-show up with my previous ie7. Is there any way to deleded thoses words?|||u cannot delete all those words.but u can just ignore them.they caused no harm.they are not virus.they are merely just words

When I uninstall IE8 will I lose my favorites and my favorite bar?

My IE8 search bar is not working everytime I enter a letter or number it automatically exits all windows. It started working again then broke... so this is my last resort. TY

So should I save my stuff?|||You cannot uninstall IE8. Since Microsoft made the PC and IE8, You cannot reinstall it.|||no it will be ok to uninstall it

have you run a virus or spyware scan ??

use firefox instead



Whenever I close IE8 a box comes up and says that it has stopped working?

I am running windows vista 32 bit and in the last week or so every time I go to close IE8 it says that the program has stopped working and that it is closing the program for the safety of my machine. Can anyone please tell me how to correct this problem. Thank You|||If you find IE8 stops working frequently you should look into repairing Internet Explorer. This guide should help you:鈥?/a>

I hope this helps!



IE Outreach Team|||Don't worry, this is a pretty common occurrence. Your problem is that you are using Internet Explorer, an inferior web browser. Use Mozilla Firefox, and the issue will resolve itself.|||Mason is right.

What new features do you expect IE8 will have?

There's been speculation about what will be in IE8 when Microsoft finally shows it off. Microsoft keeping all hush-hush about it, as some tech analysts thinking Microsoft might have something new up their sleeves.

So I'm guessing Microsoft is finally doing what's right, and it taking IE more seriously.

So what new features do you think we can expect OR want in IE8?

Tell as much as you want. Most detailed and most featured answers get 10 points.|||Microsoft is a great software developer and they admit for doing some stupid things in the past, but I'm sure after some issues with the court they have finally decided to turn on a new leach.

With Windows 7, it appears they might pull this one off. Especially Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista, I think Microsoft is getting back on the right track.

I think IE8 would be operate mostly like IE7 but with some new features. Live search will be there, shortcut keys to your favority websites, who knows. Probably there is a secret and a notion for Microsoft to buy Yahoo Incoporated. Maybe they really are up to something.

It could mean that IE8 could beat Safari and Mozilla if it were like a dream. Hopefully Microsoft could do the right thing this time.

Why can't I upgrade to IE8 with my Windows 7 64bit system?

My friends Windows 7 64bit system upgraded to IE8; why can't I do the same? Is it because she has an HP dm1 net book, I have Sony Vaio VGN-NW 100?|||Hello,

Internet Explorer 8 comes standard with Windows 7 64bit. Quite possibly, your friend has Internet Explorer 9 Release Candidate installed. Consider giving it a try; you can download it here And you can learn how it differs from Internet Explorer 8 here鈥?/a>

Let us know if this helps.



Windows Outreach Team|||It's the gods giving you a sign, Firefox is much better.|||You should have IE8 already. It comes with Windows 7. If your Menu Bar is showing click on Help and see what version you have. Hope this helps. Good Luck.|||windows 7 comes pre installed with ie8 so you dont need to install it

How to turn off InPrivate browsing on IE8?

Does anyone know how to completely turn off the InPrivate browsing feature in IE8? I try google it but it won't give me any results that provide full instructions. Plus when I go to it, It'll say

"InPrivate is turned on"|||just close the window and open a new one it usually works 4 me hope i helped

How do I clear search history in IE8?

I need to erase all the previous searches on a second hand PC using IE8. I can delete all other histories but not this.|||to delete IE8 history:

open internet explorer

click on Tools

click "Delete browsing history"

a small window will open, tick (select) all the boxes (options)

now click delete.

there is one better and easy way to delete all kinds of history from IE and also recent history from your computer, just download CCleaner from, this is safe, fast and easy to use.

it can also clean your registry entries. have a look on this website:

How do I reinstall IE8 for Windows7 on my laptop pc?

I Downloaded IE9 on my laptop pc and I HATE IT, so Now I'm trying to go Back to IE8 but Every version I've tried to download says it's Not compatable with my program (assuming Windows7)

What can I do to get back to IE8 and resume enjoyment of my pc?|||Unless you have a restore point that is prior to your installation of IE9, or feel like re-installing from an older Windows CD that has IE8 on it, then you are pretty much stuck.

I would suggest getting Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, and ditching IE anything.

I keep IE on my machine for the (extremely) rare occasions that a site hiccups in other browsers, but it is renamed 'Internet Exploder' because it has big enough holes in it's security to drive a mack truck through.

I also keep some older Mozilla browsers - so in the event that somebody figures out how to mess up the newer ones, they are generally exploiting something that didn't even exist back then. I can still get online and download whatever fixes I need.|||you cant downgrade software before deleting the previous version. go to control panel -- uninstall programs-- then on the left side click where it says microsoft updates delete the ie9 update and just go download and install ie8. i would recommend you download ie8 to your desktop before you start this process|||You can uninstall iE9 by going to Uninstall programs from the Control Panel and going to the Updates section from the left side of WIndows Update. I was able to uninstall IE9 while it was in Release Candidate stage and so you should be able to uninstall IE9 this way.|||Excuse me for the off-topic, but, why IE? You have so many other browsers : Opera, Mozilla, Google Chrome (i think is the best browser, user-friendly, low memory consumption, fastest).

How do I switch back to IE7 intsead of IE8 Beta?

I downloaded IE8 Beta and most of my of programs do not run of the IE8 beta

I want to go back to Internet explorer 7.

I do I change back.|||Uninstall IE8 from Add/Remove Programs.

What freeware addons are available for IE8?

I am considering switching back to Microsoft IE8. Are there any addons available for the browser?|||Internet Explorer add-ons have been introduced by Microsoft in the previous editions of Internet Explorer. Despite the claim they never managed to come close to the popularity and inventiveness of add-ons produced by the Mozilla Firefox community.

Microsoft鈥檚 Internet Explorer 8 introduced a set of new features (accelerators and web slices) that fall into the add-on category as well. The following article contains 8 sleeper Internet Explorer add-ons that can be useful for the majority of Internet Explorer 8 users.

We would also like to point out that this is already the second article about Internet Explorer 8 add-ons and that the first can be accessed at this link. (read: 10 Useful Internet Explorer Add-ons).

First a quick explanation about the different types of add-ons for Internet Explorer:

* Accelerators: Provide functionality directly on the website.

* Web Slices: Real time information that are displayed in Internet Explorer.

* Search Providers: These add-ons add new search engines to the web browser.

1. Job Search (Accelerator)

Will search for a selected job on thousands of websites including newspapers, job boards and company career pages.

internet explorer job search

2. Tweet Internet Explorer

Twitter add-on for Internet Explorer 8 that adds a button to the toolbar which, when pressed, opens a popup window that allows to post status updates to Twitter.

internet explorer twitter

3. Xmarks Synchronization

Synchronize favorites and bookmarks across multiple computers.

xmarks synchronization

4. Post To LiveJournal

Makes it possible to quickly post to LiveJournal using the selected text on another website.

post to livejournal

5. New York Times Latest News

Quick access to the latest news (titles, videos and excerpts) that have been posted on the New York Times website.

new york times updates

6. Find on

Will search for the selected text on the popular music community portal

lastfm search

7. LastPass Password Manager

LastPass is an online password manager that provides access to interesting features like password generation. It is available for multiple web browsers.

password manager

8. Open It Online Lite

Open documents, spreadsheets and presentations online with this useful Internet Explorer add-on.


Do you know of any add-ons for the Internet Explorer web browser that are worth mentioning? Let us know in the comments.|||They have an add-on page but it really isn't much. Three that I can think of right now are W.O.T.,McAfee Site Adviser,and KeyScrambler which are available at CNET|||Chrome Frame

will allow you to use HTML5 standards through the transitional phase until Microsoft get their finger out and update IE to support some basic things like Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome do ;)

To be honest, you can always keep a couple of browsers installed in case you run into any issues...|||IE 8Add-ons:

IE 8 Accelerators:|||Use Accelerators to speed up your work

Accelerators are add-ons for IE8 that let you quickly do a variety of tasks based on text you select on a web page: get a stock quote, look up the definition of a word or phrase, map a location, convert currencies, share selected text on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, create a shortened URL, search for a product at an online shopping site and much more.

Select any piece of text on a web page, and the Accelerator button, that has an arrow pointing to the right-corner on it, will pop up; click that button to see the Accelerator menu. (You can also access Accelerators on the right-click contextual menu.)

Some Accelerators show their results in a pop-up window, while others appear in a new tab.

IE8 comes with several built-in Accelerators, but third-party developers are already starting to produce a wide range of new ones that you can install yourself. Go to Microsoft's Accelerator Gallery to see the available options.

Bookmark info with Web Slices

Another add-on that's new in IE8 is the Web Slice. Web Slices allow you to subscribe to a frequently updated part of a web page, such as sports scores, headlines or current weather - if the site's developers have designated that part of the page as a Web Slice. (Most websites are not Web Slice-enabled at this time.)

When a page you're viewing contains a Web Slice, a green icon appears on the toolbar next to the Home icon, as shown to the right. The same icon appears next to the Slice-ready content on a web page when you mouse over it. Click the icon in either location to see a dialog box asking if you want to add the content to your Favourites bar.

Adding a Web Slice places a button on your Favourites bar that opens a small drop-down box with the updated information from the original page, so you can check the weather, traffic or anything else without interfering with whatever else you're doing in your browser.

Once you've added a Web Slice, updated content is always available from your Favorites bar.

A selection of Web Slices can be found in Microsoft's Add-On Gallery, but Web Slices are easy to create - watch for the green Web Slice icon to start popping up all over the web.

Broadband speed test

NEXT PAGE: Cover your tracks with InPrivate browsing

1. Free add-ons to get the most out of your web experience

2. Cover your tracks with InPrivate browsing

3. Protect your privacy and even block ads with InPrivate filtering

4. View incompatible pages with the Compatibility Viewer

5. Customise the interface

6. Don't forget these keyboard shortcuts

I switched to firefox and want to delete IE8 beta from my desktop and laptop. Can I do this safely?

When I go to add/remove and select IE8 and go to remove it a window comes up and gives me a long list of programs that use IE such as Outlook Express, Adobe Flashplayer and so on. Will I still be able to use these programs if I remove IE8?|||Yes... You will be able to access those applications.. Its just a minor warning that IE8 is associated with those softwares too... But the functionality of other software is dependent on their own..

So go ahead and uninstall ur IE.... FF is the best... Not downgrading IE but I luv FF|||Go to your control panel...and click where it says uninstall an item...there is where you can uninstall your other system safely

My search engine block where i write things i want to search has shrunk after installing IE8 how can I fix it?

After installing IE8, when I go to google, I can hardly see when I am writing because the search block has shrunk a lot. This has even happened on other websites. How can I fix this problem?|||You should be able to resize it. If I understand correctly, the search box is smaller and the address bar box is now wider? You should be able to move ur mouse to the gap between the two, and a double headed arrow will appear, indicating that you can resize horizontally.

How do I uninstall IE8 from my computer?

I have Windows XP and I've already tried: Start, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and removing it that way and what's strange to me is that every installed program in the list has the option of removal, except the IE8, why is that??? I don't know what else to do, can someone help me, I just want to go back to IE7. Thanks in advance|||To revert back to IE7 from IE8:

First try the Add or Remove Programs route.But you say there is no option to remove IE8 so you might have installed SP3 after upgrading to IE8. If that is the case then you will have to unistall SP3 first then remove the IE8sp then when you have IE7 back reinstall SP3.

You might first try the alternative method of removal:

Open the run dialog box or

the cmd prompt and copy and paste the following line:


That will attempt to uninstall the IE8sp using the IE 8 servicepack uninstall utility.

If that fails then uninstall SP3 then remove IE8 then get SP3 again. But when you get updates again be sure to look at the list of updates and deselect the IE8 or it may upgrade it again.

Hope that helps|||I'm curious if that worked for you...

Maybe since you never returned it hosed it and now you don't have any browser at all??? If it did then go to add remove windows components and check the InternetExplorer box and save it and it will re-install IE...

Report Abuse

|||If you want to go back to IE7, then go to the Windows internet download website. Look on the forums or on the internet section. Then you can download the IE7. Sometimes it uninstalls the IE8. The website will show you how to do it.

How can I save more web-address in my IE8 address bar?

I'm currently using IE8. I want to save as many visited web-addresses as possible in the address bar. But everytime I type in a new address, the old ones will be out of the list. Can anyone help?|||just go to internet options then choose general bar then in the browsing history uncheck delete browsing history on exit....

How do I open separate email accounts simultaneously with IE8?

Used to be able to open a yahoo page which would let me sign into different email accounts: have to monitor 4 email accounts at work so I had 4 sep. yahoo pages open. Now with IE8 it continually opens the first email account and won't let me log into another account without logging out of the first. Any suggestions without reverting back to IE7|||i really don't have any suggestions at all for this as i go through the same issue time and again , with the exception of having 4 modems ie8 doesn't let you do it . maybe if you tried different tool bars . i only have the yahoo tool bar , but if you have say an aol or optonline ( or both ) tool bar, you may get away with having more than address open .

worth a shot anyway ....

What is the best internet web browser? I have IE8 but should I change?

What is the best internet web browser? I have IE8 but should I change?|||People that use Firefox will swear by it. It is true that in the past, Firefox is probably safer than IE7. However, Microsoft has by and large closed off existing security holes when they release IE8. So now it's mostly a matter of speed and features, when it comes to choosing which browser to use. Depending on whom you listen to, IE, Firefox, and Google Chrome are the "best", and everybody has their own reasons. What tips the balance for me iin favor of IE8 is that there are still certain web sites that are only designed for IE, and may not appear correctly if you use other browsers. For example, the Microsoft Update web site (surprise, surprise!) won't work with Firefox, and probably not with Chrome either. So if you have to have a single web nrowser, then IE8 is probably the best bet. Sure, the other browsers may be "cooler", but there is no question that IE is still the prevalent browser, and there are many practical reasons for that.|||if you dont use firefox youre a tool|||new firefox it rules!!

no freezing..crashes etc............|||used to use firefox but i like google chrome now:)|||GOOOOGLEEEEEEE is best!

firefox aswell, makes it easier|||Mozilla firefox! It is really good

Answer my question鈥?/a>|||safari is good ..but i can say that fire fox now rocks

Can I have IE8 and IE9 installed at the same time?

Can I have IE8 and IE9 both installed at the same time so I can run either? We have multiple desktops, so could one have 8 and the other use 9?|||Hi David,

You cannot have both IE8 and IE9 beta running on your computer at the same time. If you install IE9 beta it will replace IE8. However, if you decide to uninstall IE9 beta your IE8 will be restored automatically. For more on installing and uninstalling IE9 beta visit鈥?/a>

Hope you enjoy IE9 beta!



IE Outreach Team|||Hi from France

If IE9 is arrived, you can obviously have updated a computer for have IE9... And not updated another for still have IE8 ....

Anyway you can't have IE8 and IE9 on the same computer of course ...

Have a nice day,


How do I get rid of the "upgrade to Safer IE8" when MY IE8 is a more current version?

Every time I open my yahoo friendly browser, I get prompted to download the New IE8. When I do, it tells me not to install because my version is newer than the one it keeps prompting me with. How do I stop this??!!!! It's a viscious circle.|||ignor yahoo, they want you to install there version as it has adware and spyware in it for them.

How do I use the clipboard with IE8 - I cannot seem to be able to paste anymore.?

I have a form on a website that needs to be filled in - I used to paste the answer but since I upgraded to IE8 yesterday it won't work.

Any ideas|||You have answered your own question - Internet Explorer 8

GET RID OF IT - it is total rubbish....go back to IE7 and benefit from the knowledge that Microsoft IE8 is gone and consigned to history.

Depsite what others will tell you - IE8 is CRAP - it is full of bugs - slows your PC down - has lost it's credibility totally - has Microsoft tracking software built in (they spy on you).....and once again - it is total RUBBISH.

It is not as secure and user freindly as they make out

How do I reset my toolbars back the way they were with IE8.?

I need to know how to resett my toolbar to the way I had it with IE8, if this is no longer possible, how do I get back to I8. If I cannot get back to my original setting on my toolbar, namely favorites, file, etc, I want nothing to do withIE9. It is too difficult locating what I need or to add on to toolbars.|||If you are tired of Internet Explorer 9 and now want to uninstall it, here is how to do it:

1. Open Programs and features window. To open it, type appwiz.cpl in Start menu search area and then hit enter.

2. In the left pane, click View installed updates option to see list of installed updates. Here locate the entry named Windows Internet Explorer 9.

3. Right-click on the entry and select uninstall to remove Internet Explorer 9 from your PC and revert to Internet Explorer 8.|||Hello cberry3,

IE9 has a new streamlined look and feel which eliminates tool bars and bring users closer to the sites they visit. To see the menu bar in IE9, Open IE %26gt; hit Alt or Alt+T and the menu will appear.

Hope this helps!



IE Outreach Team

Why does Yahoo keep telling me to update my browser to IE8 when i already have?

I updated my IE8 today but I am still seeing messages at the top of pages telling me that I need to update it.|||Are you sure it is not saying to download IE8 safer? They have a safer IE8 that fixes some glitches IE8 has. You should download it.|||First, the banner ads message that I see is, "Yahoo recommends you update your browser." And I too have the latest IE8 installed and see this message near the beginning of many of Yahoo's web pages.

Presumably this ad displays whether one needs the latest browser version or does not. I say because these same type ads offering IE8--on many of the MSN web pages, which after clicking on one of these banner ad displays the message, "You already running the latest version..." (you're left feeling as it should continue by big dummy!)

I doubt we need concern ourselves with this matter, knowing no better explanation and we're running current software. It does make more sense that these banners would only display on those browsers needing updating. However, it may be that our firewalls and or virus protection software, or even that we're cleaning old files off from disk drive--as we should, makes better guess of reason, and 'could' explain the IE8 ads displaying. That our browser cookies are gone, cleaned during file management type maintenance that Yahoo site cannot detect properly that our version code is updated. Therefore, the default displays this ad; IE8 detection being less than positive--creates ad.

I offer my suggestions since your question has not drawn a more definitive sounding answer than this guess of mine, having wondered about this as well.

How can I upgrade when IE8 is not available to Windows 7 ultimate?

How can I upgrade toolbar with IE8?|||Windows 7 comes with IE8. Not sure what you are asking.

You stated that my laptop system cannot support the new IE8, but I have a windows vista 64 bit?

I have a Hp Pavilion dv9830us Notebook Pc, why wont the new IE8 work ?|||your notebook should be fully compatible to new internet explorer 8., having windows vista 64 bit installed.

For windows vista 32 bit %26amp; 64 bit there are different versions of internet explorer 8,for download.

Select your operating system and download internet explorer 8.for windows vista 64 bit鈥?/a>|||Hi Roger,

You should be fine to download and install Internet Explorer 8.



Windows Outreach Team

Recently downloaded ie8 why does phishing filter turn itself off when i start to browse the web.?

when i first start to browse the web in ie8 my norton 360 phishing filter turns off,but when i press fix it stays on till i close and reopen my web browser then the same happens again( i recently downloaded ie8).

Since i have heard this download can cause certain programmes to crash,is this true?|||you obviously do not understand what the word BETA means,

beta products are for testing purposes only and should never be installed on your main computer.

ie8 is a beta product.

unless you are capable of repairing the damage beta products can, and probably will do to your computer,

then i suggest you uninstall it now.

if you choose to ignore this advice then i do not hold out much hope for the life of your computer.

the same holds true for ALPHA programs too.|||You may be having a virus or spyware installed on your PC. Norton, AVG , Avast are free antivirus software. Ad-aware, Ewido are free spyware removers.You can download free softwares at and . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from

|||Well IE 8 is beta software so crashing and abnormal behavior isn't a surprise... Look at the stuff Microsoft puts out as a gold release, it's still buggy too